
Journal articles

Cluster Formation Induced by Local Dielectric Saturation in Restricted Primitive Model Electrolytes

David Ribar, Clifford E. Woodward, Sture Nordholm, Jan Forsman

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 15(32), 2024, pp. 8326-8333

An efficient method to establish electrostatic screening lengths of restricted primitive model electrolytes

Jan Forsman, David Ribar, Clifford E. Woodward

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 26, 2024, pp. 19921-19933

Towards an accurate method for column void volume determination using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

David Ribar, Miha Lukšič, Irena Kralj Cigić

Journal of Chromatograpy A, vol. 1706, 2023, p. 464245

An exploration into the use of Hansen solubility parameters for modelling reversed‑phase chromatographic separations

David Ribar, Tjaša Rijavec, Irena Kralj Cigić

Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, vol. 9, 2022, pp. 13:12

Machine learning-assisted non-destructive plasticizer identification and quantification in historical PVC objects based on IR spectroscopy

Tjaša Rijavec, David Ribar, Jernej Markelj, Matija Strlič, Irena Kralj Cigić

Scientific Reports, vol. 12, 2022, p. 5017

Conference posters

Benchmarking machine-learning algorithms for near-infrared spectral classification of polymer types in heritage science

David Ribar, Jernej Markelj, Matija Strlič

Cutting Edge 2021 : scientific conference for young researchers : Independent in science, 2021


Cluster Formation induced by local dielectric saturation in Restricted Primitive Model Electrolytes

David Ribar, Clifford E. Woodward, Sture Nordholm, Jan Forsman

arXiv, 2024
